Celebrating World Music Therapy Week & National Volunteer Month

Celebrating World Music Therapy Week & National Volunteer Month

World Music Therapy Day

The World Music Therapy event was actually celebrated on a single day – March 1st. However, this date is also the day of Disability Day of Mourning. Therefore, in 2023, the World Federation of Music Therapy made the decision to change the date and make an extension. So this year, join musicians around the world to celebrate the very first World Music Therapy Week!

Music therapists and supporters alike come together to increase awareness for musical therapy and to display how music connects everyone across the nations. The holiday was extended into 6 days to give musicians multiple days for collaborations and events. Furthermore, the extension also allows more people to experience the benefits of music!

What is Music Therapy?

Professionally trained musicians use evidence-based strategies to provide a personalized session. Music therapy is beneficial for all ages and needs from physical to emotional to cognitive developments. Music therapists use various techniques, such as:

  • Songwriting
  • listening to music
  • Singing
  • Playing instruments

Professional Musical therapy is used to develop individual skills such as: 

  • manage stress
  • increase relaxation
  • improve communication
  • enhance memorization skills
  • Help children develop rhythm and motor skills
  • Encourage appropriate behavior in children
  • Distract from uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing situations

Music provides such a unique avenue for personal therapy as instruments are portable. Professional music therapists are able to adapt to a variety of environments whether it’s in a client’s home, hospital room, school, a neighborhood library or park. Therefore, regardless of an individual’s location, they are able to use music to express their emotions and practical skills. 

How Does Music Therapy Work? 

Music has always had a healing effect on human beings. Music therapy studies ways to use music to reduce stress and create a relaxing environment while addressing physical, cognitive, social, and emotional needs. Additionally, conducting musical therapy outdoors further improves mental and physical health benefits! Participating in an outdoor activity has already shown to improve mental well-being. So on top of connecting people together, playing music outdoors allows people to receive health benefits from the sun too. Studies show Vitamin D helps reduce inflammation, provide an immune system boost, and increase energy levels. Regardless of calming music or practicing with instruments, music therapy helps create a positive, upbeat, and unique atmosphere. Granting everyone in the space a direction to obtain a new perspective and alleviate detrimental emotions.

How to Participate in World Music Therapy Week

  • Join a Session: Experience the music yourself, regardless of your location! 
  • Attend an Musical Event: Dedicate time to relaxing with music.
  • Play Your Heart Out: While the music therapy profession requires a degree, if you have musical talents – share them! Whether it’s volunteering at a local hospital/nursing home or simply creating a song to share with family and friends, everyone benefits from listening to music. 
  • Spread Awareness: Use the hashtag #WorldMusicTherapyDay to share the wonders of musical therapy on social media while encouraging others to learn more about its benefits!

National Volunteer Week & National Volunteer Month

When is National Volunteer Month? 

While April 16th – 22nd is dedicated as National Volunteer Week, the holiday celebrating volunteers has been extended throughout the month of April. This month is a time for recognizing the countless hours given by volunteers devoted to the improvement of communities. From a kid’s lemonade stand to a seasoned woodworker, there are volunteers of all ages and skill levels. From a locally-based facebook group to national organizations like 4-H, Boy and Girl Scouts of America, or American Red Cross. Every volunteer simply wishes to make a difference in their community or in someone’s life. 

How to Participate in National Volunteer Month? 

  • Thank a Volunteer!
  • Use Your Particular Skill Set: Find an organization or family who could benefit from a service that you’re knowledgeable in and offer your services. 
  • Simply Volunteer! More often than not, organizations and charities simply need your time rather than a specific skill or special talent. Regardless of how you volunteer, many volunteers will tell you it is a rewarding experience. 
  • Spread Awareness: Use #NationalVolunteerMonth to share on social media. Share photos of people you’ve bonded with while volunteering and encourage others to join.

Preparing for Brain Cancer Awareness Month

Don’t forget to order Brain Cancer Awareness Merchandise and Signage for May! Be sure to check out our facebook handicrafts group or our partnership store in Baxter, Super Nova Creations!