National Pediatric Transplant Week & Donate Life Awareness Month

National Pediatric Transplant Week & Donate Life Awareness Month

As we wrap up our last blog, we wanted to touch on the incredibly important topic of organ, eye, and tissue donations. Many lives are saved or healed through this great blessing and act of compassion.

April Awareness Month: Donating Life

The month of April is dedicated to raising awareness about organ donation. For many, receiving an organ, eye, or tissue donation transplant is vital for a healthy life. Which is why everyone is encouraged to register as organ, eye and tissue donors. Regardless if you are an organ donor or not, the standard of care given throughout your life doesn’t change. It simply helps you leave an amazing gift of life for many recipients and their families. We wish to honor the donors and their families who have saved and changed lives of so many whom they have never even met.

National Donate Life Month – Organ Donor Statistics

According to Donate Life America, more than 100,000 people are waiting for lifesaving organ transplants. More than 80 people are given a second chance per organ donation through deceased organ donors. A historic milestone for the U.S. was accomplished last year – performing the 1 millionth organ transplant in the US!

National Pediatric Transplant Week – Organ Donor Statistics

The last week of April highlights pediatric organ transplant donations. As mentioned above, more than 100,000 people are waiting for lifesaving organ transplants. More than 1,900 of those are children under the age of 18. National Pediatric Transplant Week is all about educating and raising awareness towards ending the pediatric transplant waiting list. Pediatric transplants are often a heart, liver, lung, kidney, or even intestines. For children, the key factor to reduce the risk of rejection for organ transplants is the size of the organ. Studies have found children often respond better to child-sized organs. Especially since over 25% of children waiting for an organ transplant are under 5 years old. This week is also about honoring the donor families that have blessed the lives of families through a donation. In 2022 alone, over 1,700 children were saved by the generosity of donors & their families.

 Is There an Organ Donor Age Limit?

While there isn’t an age limit to donate organs, adults have to be 18 years or older to register as an organ, eye and tissue donor without needing a legal guardian.Organ donations under the age of 18 is left to the legal guardian’s final decision.

“Should I be an Organ Donor?” 

There are lots of questions surrounding organ donations, which is why the month of April and raising awareness is so important. The gift of life is a conversation worth having. It is the most meaningful gift an organ recipient and their family can receive. Thank you to all donors, donor families, and registered donors, you are the true champions of the Donate Life cause! 

A Heartfelt Thank You

Thank you for reading our blogs as we covered many different topics in regards to childhood cancers and children’s wellbeing. Thank you for joining us on this journey and we are excited to see how much more Sydni Smiles is going to grow in the future! Please join our active facebook group and handcrafted page to help us continue to raise awareness of childhood cancers. 

 Additional Reading:

 May’s Brain Cancer Awareness Month 

Oncology Nursing Month